Home > Software, Technology > Norton Safe Web alerts internet users to dangerous websites

Norton Safe Web alerts internet users to dangerous websites

Bangkok, Thailand – April 9, 2013 – A free online Norton program is being offered by Symantec that allows internet users to check the safety of a website before the site is visited. Norton Safe Web is available for free download from https://safeweb.norton.com

The program is designed to detect online threats like viruses, phishing and spyware and detect sites such as those that attempt to steal credit card numbers or passwords, or crash computers.

Often, by the time the site has been visited, it is too late to prevent the damage, but Norton Safe Web detects the dangers before this stage.

Norton’s servers analyse websites to see how they will affect you and your computer, and then using the Norton Toolbar that is installed on your PC, the program lets you know how safe a particular site might be before you view it.

Two symbols appear on your screen to indicate the level of safety, and mousing over these will provide further details.

· The Norton Secured symbol: means that the site is safe for shopping and financial transactions because there are no e-commerce safety threats.
· The Norton OK symbol: means it is safe to proceed but that it is not recommended you put information such as credit card numbers or personal details on the site.

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